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Unmasking The Risks: A Comprehensive Examination Of The Dangers Associated With Full-Face Snorkel Masks

Writer: Divers TribeDivers Tribe

In the ever-evolving realm of water sports and underwater exploration, the popularity of full-face snorkel masks (FFSMs) has surged in recent years. As enthusiasts seek new ways to immerse themselves in the beauty of the aquatic world, these masks promise enhanced comfort and an expansive field of vision. However, a recent medical article has cast a shadow on the seemingly idyllic experience offered by FFSMs. Given the widespread adoption of these masks by recreational snorkelers and divers, it becomes imperative to explore the potential dangers associated with their usage.

In our quest for knowledge and safety, we stumbled upon a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the Department of Anaesthesiology at the University of Auckland. This study meticulously examines the physiological effects of full-face snorkel masks compared to traditional snorkel setups. As the implications of the research extend to the safety and well-being of underwater enthusiasts, we felt compelled to distill the findings into a comprehensive summary to raise awareness about the risks inherent in the use of FFSMs.

Join us on a journey into the depths of this medical investigation as we unravel the intricacies of full-face snorkel masks, unmasking the potential hazards that lie beneath the surface. In a world where aquatic adventures are increasingly facilitated by modern equipment, understanding the risks associated with FFSMs becomes not only relevant but crucial for the safety of those who seek to explore the wonders that lie beneath the waves.



In recent years, the advent of full-face snorkel masks (FFSMs) has transformed the underwater exploration experience, attracting snorkelers and divers alike with promises of enhanced comfort and panoramic views. However, as their popularity soars, concerns about the potential risks associated with these masks have surfaced. This article delves into a recent study conducted by researchers from the Department of Anaesthesiology at the University of Auckland, shedding light on the dangers of FFSMs and their implications for the safety of underwater enthusiasts.

The Study:

The research aimed to assess the physiological effects of using FFSMs compared to traditional snorkel setups. Twenty participants were enlisted, and each underwent three conditions: rest in a chair, light-intensity exercise, and moderate-intensity exercise on a cycle ergometer. The participants used three types of snorkel equipment in random order: Subea Easybreath FFSM, QingSong 180-degree panoramic FFSM, and a Beuchat Spy conventional snorkel (with nose clip). The key parameters under scrutiny included rebreathing rates, discontinuation rates, the incidence of hypoxaemia (low blood oxygen levels), and eye-pocket gas composition.

Key Findings:

1. Increased Rebreathing and Discontinuation Rates:

  •  The study revealed a higher rate of discontinuation due to exceeding 7.0 kPa end-tidal CO2 with FFSMs compared to conventional snorkels.

  • During light intensity exercise, a notable 45% of FFSM runs were discontinued, whereas only 20% of runs with conventional snorkels were halted.

2. Hypoxaemia Incidence:

  • Thirteen participants experienced peripheral oxygen saturations below 95%, with nine using FFSMs and four using conventional snorkels.

  • Five participants fell below 90%, with four using FFSMs and one using a conventional snorkel.

3. Eye-Pocket Gas Composition:

  • FFSMs exhibited significantly higher PCO2 and lower PO2 in the eye-pockets compared to inspired gas, indicating rebreathing in all FFSM wearers.

  • Even with seemingly adequate internal skirt fits, fluctuations in gas composition occurred during inhalation and exhalation.

Full Face Snorkel Mask (FFSM) Diagram of how they work

Figure 1: Schematic design of a full-face snorkel mask.

Left: inhalation through the one-way valve in the snorkel through the eye-pocket and one-way valves into the oronasal pocket. Right: exhalation through separate tubes on the side from the oronasal pocket back to the snorkel, exiting through one-way valves in the snorkel (not mixing with inhaled air).


The study's findings raise significant concerns about the design and functionality of FFSMs, emphasizing the associated risks of rebreathing, hypercapnia, and hypoxaemia. Despite the intended unidirectional airflow, the masks demonstrated communication between the eye and oronasal pockets, compromising their effectiveness. Additionally, issues such as inadequate internal seals and subjective discomfort reported by participants highlight potential safety hazards.

A graph showing exercise termination while wearing different types of snorkels

Figure 2: Survival curve showing exercise termination while wearing each type of snorkel equipment.


In light of these findings, both manufacturers and snorkelers must be aware of the risks associated with specific FFSMs. As these masks continue to gain popularity, ensuring user safety should be a paramount concern. The study underscores the need for further research, design improvements, and educational initiatives to promote proper usage and mitigate potential dangers associated with full-face snorkel masks. Ultimately, this comprehensive examination serves as a call to action for the industry to prioritize safety in the pursuit of underwater exploration.

As a result, we do not recommend the FFSMs for anyone.

Thank you to Andy for sharing this information with us!



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